Close-up of An Phu "stone quarry" beauty

Thứ ba - 01/10/2019 20:25 285 0
About 7km to the north of Tuy Hoa Cityis An Phu Commune, a suburb commune with hilly, delta and sea terrain. It hasjust been discovered that there is a quarry with a unique shape such as Da DiaReef National Scenic Site in An Ninh Dong commune, Tuy An district.

This "disk quarry" wasformerly in the area of ​​Phu Yen Transport Construction Joint Stock Companythat was licensed by the competent authorities. While exploiting constructionstone, the company workers discovered the unique rock and cliff veins, so theyreported to the authorities and temporarily stopped the exploitation. In themiddle of the hills, the stone seams seen from afar, high above look veryunique and mysterious. Basalt pillars are columns, arranged vertically,horizontally or oblique, cross sections of stone pillars and columns have regularquadrilateral or hexagonal sections.

After obtaining information about the"Disk quarry", recently, a survey team of the provincial People'sCommittee led by Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Phan DinhPhung went on a field trip, initially evaluating the geological, geomorphologicaland potential values of the area.

With the values ​​of geoscience andaesthetics, on the basis of surveys and comments of functional branches, theprovincial People's Committee has directed the Department of Culture, Sportsand Tourism to lead and coordinate with relevant agencies for solutions toprotect and promote in accordance with the spirit of the Law on CulturalHeritage associated with the long-term purpose of serving the community. “TheDepartment of Culture, Sports and Tourism urgently put the above quarry area onthe list of cultural heritage inventory, protected under the Cultural HeritageLaw. On the basis of inventory, the department prepares scientific dossiers tosuggest ranking and preserving and promoting the value of natural resources,serving socio-econo development and the spiritual life of the people,especially possible. for tourism activities ”, Mr. Phan Dinh Phung directed.

Here are some pictures of "Diskquarry" in An Phu commune.
A large hilly area, where uncovered unique rock veins
Cylindrical fractured cylinders straight up
The cross section of stone columns has quadrilateral or regular hexagonal shape
The rock cracked horizontally or oblique
The quarrying area leaves valleys with cliffs that look very mysterious
Survey team of the provincial People's Committee led by Mr. Phan Dinh Phung led field
work in the "Disc quarry" area
Source: Phu Yen Newspaper
Translated by HAI LOAN

 Từ khóa: Close-up of An Phu

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