Cuisine is also a tourism product

Thứ hai - 25/03/2019 02:43 232 0
During the two previous Phu Yen Culinary Culture Festival twice, Mr. LySanh, Chairman of Saigon Professional Chef Association participated in the roleof chief judge of the festival. Not only in the judging role, Ly Sanh is alsowilling to share his career and talk with young colleagues. Reporter of Phu Yen Newspaper had an interview withhim about the role of cuisine in tourism promotion.
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culinary origin of Nau land

* After two times participating in the culinary culture festival ofNau land, how do you feel and evaluate? 

- I reallyappreciate the attention of the provincial leaders, the Department of Culture,Sports  and Tourism for organizing a verymeaningful festival for the chefs. This is the recognition and honor that the chefsshould take pride in, striving to make better, more beautiful dishes in orderto preserve traditional values, the essence of the dish and constantly createcreativity to bring freshness to the dish.

Both culinarycultural festivals attracted a large number of teams, professional and amateurchefs to join. The semi-professional chefs represented for 9 localities(districts, towns and cities) and professional chefs at more than 10restaurants, hotels, training institutions had brought a hearty, multi-coloredparty identity with many unique dishes. It can be said that this is a show,introducing specialties of the homeland or "specialities" ofrestaurant and hotel units.

* As a judgeof many calibre food festivals, how do you comment on local ingredients tocreate Phu Yen cuisine?

- Each locality has a specific source of materials. Phu Yenis likewise and somewhat richer and richer thanks to its diverse topographywith mountainous areas,plains and seas. In addition, Phu Yen is a land formed long time ago, manylayers of cultural sediments with the residential community of many ethnic groups,this has created many unique and featured dishes. 

I am veryimpressed with the local produce that made the typical dishes in this placecalled Nau land. Down to the sea, there are seaweed, O Loan blood cockle,mackerel, ocean tuna ... Up to the mountain, there are cassava leaves, shinyleafs, dac seeds,half dried beefs, yellow ants salt, fragrant fish sauce, jackfruit sauce, junglechilli pepper ... The local plains are very diverse, some types of copper fishalso create a distinct flavor for the country cuisine.

Phu Yen has arich source of materials, unique dishes, relatively suitable for tourists ofall regions, including international visitors. Localities should focus ondeveloping this special tourism product as a strength to attract visitors.

* In aprofessional perspective, as an elderly chef, how do you assess the level ofchefs in Phu Yen?

Through the contact with the chefs, it can beseen that professional chefs in Phu Yen have a high level and hierarchy. Themanipulation in the process of processing food very neat and professional;decoration has a harmonious and beautiful layout; The combination ofingredients in a dish and between dishes on a menu is very logical and scientifically.And in particular, they have the investment, enthusiasm, like blowing soul intotheir typical dishes. They can meet the needs of corporate customers with highstandards.

Source:Phu Yen Newspaper
Translatedby HAI LOAN

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