Improving quality of handling administrative procedures

Chủ nhật - 08/09/2019 21:59 272 0
The one-stop and inter-one-stop mechanism continues to be directed toimplement effectively by the PPC, contributing to improving quality of handlingadministrative procedure for people and enterprises in public, transparent,convenient way, ensuring compliance with regulations.
The one-stop part of An Thach commune (Tuy An district) returning result of 
administrative procedures to citizens
According toPPC Vice Chairman Tran Huu The, currently, 9 out of 9 people's committees atdistrict level and 112 out of 112 people's committees at communal level in theprovince have consolidated and implemented strictly the one-stop mechanism inhandling administrative procedures under the Decree 61 of the government.

Promotingachievements in recent years, agencies and localities continue to enhanceimplementing the regulation on coordination in handling administrativeprocedures in fields of land, business registration, birth registration, deathregistration, household registration, issuance of health insurance cards...Simultaneously, timely consolidating the one-stop part; assigning civilservants and officials with full capacity, quality and sense of responsibilityto perform tasks; paying attention to fully investing in modern equipment forthis part.
Mr. Le AnhNhat, Chairman of An Thach communal People's Committee (Tuy An district), letsknown that all dossiers received at the one-stop department are handled andreturned results on time by the commune. There are not any cases that dossiersare handled late for long time. Thereby, helping to reduce travel time, enhancequality of handling administrative procedures and improve significantlysatisfaction of people.

Mr. Vo NgocKha, Chairman of Tuy Hoa city People's Committee, affirmes that theimplementation of modern one-stop and inter-one-stop mechanism at the cityPeople's Committee and the establishment of the Center for PublicAdministration Service contribute to renovating settlement of administrativeprocedures towards simplification and creating favorable conditions fororganizations and individuals in handling administrative procedures. Thereby,significantly improving relationship among administrative agencies andorganizations, individuals.

According toMr. Le Ty Khanh, Deputy Director of Phu Yen Department of Information andCommunications, the one-stop and inter-one-stop mechanism are the way tominimize time and procedures for organizations and individuals when conductingadministrative procedures. Currently, the department receives all dossiersthrough the online public service portal and returns results at the one-stoppart or via the post office.

Mr. Tran HuuThe, PPC Vice Chairman, said that the PPC has directed all levels and sectorsto increase the digitization of all administrative procedures to be processedon electronic software and apply digital signatures to approve results, printand release results of administrative procedures; gradually reducing therotation of paper records in handling administrative procedures, contributingto make the process fast and convenient.

Theadministrative procedures under the one-stop and inter-one-stop mechanism haveshortened handling time, overcoming harassment, negative problems and reducingtroubles for people and enterprises; simultaneously, reducing costs, time andeffort of people in the process of handling administrative procedures in thelocalities.

The part ofreceiving and returning results under the one-stop and inter-one-stop mechanismat all levels has been invested in modern equipment; stepping up application ofinformation technology; strengthening professional training for cadres andcivil servants, contributing to improving quality of operation, businessinvestment environment and attracting investment in the province.

Source: Phu YenNewspaper
Translated by KHUONGTHAO

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