The 9th session of the 8th provincial People's Council: Approving 4 important resolutions

Thứ hai - 05/09/2022 23:48 1139 0
On August 30th, the 8th provincial People's Council held the 9th session (thematic session). Comrade Cao Thi Hoa An, Standing Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee cum Chairwoman of the provincial People's Council and Vice Chairmen of the provincial People's Council chaired the session.
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Spectacle of the session

After the opening speech of comrade Cao Thi Hoa An, Mr Dao My, PPC Vice Chairman reported the draft resolutions submitted at the session; Mr Le Xuan Ha, Head of the Economic - Budget Board of the provincial People's Council presented the verification report on the draft resolution submitted at the session in the operation field of the Board.

Delegates of the provincial People's Council contributed 9 opinions. The majority basically agreed on the draft resolutions submitted at the session by the PPC and the inspection report of the Economic - Budget Board of the provincial People's Council. The issues mentioned by delegates have been reported, explained and clarified by the PPC and leaders of departments and sectors.

At the end of the agenda, the delegates of the provincial People's Council unanimously voted to approve 4 resolutions, including: the resolution on principles, criteria, norms for allocation of central budget capital and proportion of reciprocal capital of local budget to implement the National target program on sustainable poverty reduction in the period of 2021-2025 in the province; the resolution on principles, criteria and norms for allocation of central budget capital and proportion of reciprocal capital of local budget to implement the National target program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the period of 2021-2030, phase 1: from 2021 to 2025 in the province; the resolution on the level of direct capital support from the State budget to implement the National target program on new rural construction in the period of 2022-2025 in the province; the resolution on adjusting some contents of investment policy in the project of Forest restoration and sustainable management in Central and Northern Vietnam - KfW9 project, phase 1, in Phu Yen.

Concluding the session, comrade Cao Thi Hoa An affirmed: With a high sense of responsibility in front of voters and the people, on the basis of the draft resolutions of the PPC, the inspection report of the Economic - Budget Board of the provincial People's Council, provincial People's Council delegates have focused on researching and discussing with responsibility and quality.

In order for the resolutions to come to life soon, comrade Cao Thi Hoa An proposed the PPC to direct all levels and sectors to follow resolutions on principles, criteria, capital allocation norms and support levels from the state budget which have just been approved by the provincial People's Council, urgently reviewing and finalizing draft resolutions on budget allocation to agencies, units and localities to implement the national target programs in the period of 2021-2025 in the province timely in accordance with direction of the Government and the Prime Minister to submit to the provincial People's Council for consideration and decision at the 10th session (expected in September, 2022). On the basis of the Resolution of the provincial People's Council on some contents of investment policy in the project of Forest restoration and sustainable management in Central and Northern Vietnam - KfW9 project, phase 1 in Phu Yen, the PPC direct to urgently complete the project dossiers to send to the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance to submit to the Prime Minister for consideration and approval in accordance with regulations.

Source: Phu Yen Newspaper

Translated by KHUONG THAO


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