Commending, awarding 174 collectives and individuals

Thứ hai - 18/03/2019 00:43 201 0
The PPC has just organized theconference on summing up the task of constructing the movement of the entirepopulation protecting the national security (PNS), preventing and combatingcrime, social evils in the year 2018; implementing the task and duties for theyear 2019.
PPC Vice chairman Tran Huu  The presenting merit  certificates to the collectives’ representatives

Asto the reports at the conference, in the past year, the movement of the entirepopulating PNS in the province has been cared and directed by Party levels,governments and positive results have been achieved in the task of preventing,combating crime of all types, social evils; traffic accidents reduced in all ofthe three criteria; law violations have been constrained; serious and extremelyserious crime has been reduced against the same period last year.

Thepolice force clearly show the focal role, active in consulting, instructing andimplementing as well as constructing the movement of the entire population PNS;coordinating with Vietnam national father front and boards, sectors, inhabitantsof the task on protecting order and security in the residential areas and thepublic organization of PNS, contributing to preventing the plots and activitiesof the hostile forces,, attacking and cracking down on the crime of all types,ensuring traffic order and safety, preventing and dealing with fire andexplosion, timely dealing with the traffic order and safety issues. 17 offices,enterprises, schools have been acknowledged by the PPC as meeting the standardof “safety in order and security” in 2018.

Addressingat the conference, on behalf of the provincial leaders, standing deputysecretary of the provincial Party committee, Mr. Luong Minh Son commended andawarded the feats achieved in the emulating movement for national security ofall levels, sectors, localities and units in the past year; proposing thenational father front of the province plays the focal role to be cooperatingwith the entire politcial system to further and more strongly develop as wellas multiply the new and good operating models, typical individuals and rolemodels. Simultaneously strictly cooperating the movement of preventing andcombating crime, social evils in coordination with the locality’s socio-ecodevelopment…

Thetargets and focal have been set for the task of constructing the movement ofthe entire population taking part in protecting the national order and securityin the year 2019. That is to continue mobilizing the overall strength of theentire political system and the entire population taking part in preventing andcombating crime, social evils, contributing to making it failure to all plotsmade by hostile forces, solidly preserving the political stability, ensuringthe entire social order and safety. Efforts are made to construct 75% ofresidential areas, 80% of communes, wards, town lets and 90% of offices andenterprises, schools to meet the standard of “Safety in security and order”,80% of the unit of communal police and public organizations well implementingthe task of order and security at fairly good level and above… 

Atthe conference, 174 collectives, individuals achieving excellent feats in thetask of emulating for the national security were commended and awarded withmerit certificates. Among those, the PPC presenting the excellent emulatingflags to 5 collectives and merit certificates to 18 collectives, 29 individualsand acknowledged the title of Determining winning units to 26 collectives; theMinistry of police awarded the emulating flags to 2 collectives and meritcertificates to 5 collectives; the director of the provincial police departmentpresented merit certificates to 76 collectives and 13 individuals.

Source:Phu Yen Newspaper
Translatedby HAI LOAN

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