Striving for Phu Hoa district to achieve new rural standards in 2019

Thứ năm - 18/04/2019 23:17 237 0
Mr. Huynh Tan Viet,Commissioner of the Central Party Committee, Secretary of the Provincial PartyCommittee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council has just chaired themeeting with Phu Hoa District Party Committee on implementing Phu Hoa DistrictConstruction Project to meet the new rural standards for the 2017-2020 period.
Comrade Huynh Tan Viet, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee giving a speech 
at the meeting with Phu Hoa District Party Committee

According to Phu Hoa District Party Committee, at the end of2017, the district had 100% of communes recognized to meet the new ruralstandards. For the district level, Phu Hoa district has developed theconstruction plan for Phu Hoa district to meet the new rural standard in theperiod of 2017-2020. Through the self-assessment results, so far, the districthas basically achieved 8 out of 9 criteria of new rural district, reaching88.89%. However, the locality has not yet reached the 5th criterion for health-culture-education,due to the lack and degradation of some necessary equipment of the districthealth center; facilities in multi-purpose gymnasiums, swimming pools,stadiums, multi-purpose halls are incomplete; besides, in the area, there are 3high schools that have not reached the standard of facilities.

Therefore, in the coming time, Phu Hoa district asked theDepartment of Health to continue investing, procuring and repairing someequipment to ensure better implementation of health care tasks; propose theDepartment of Education and Training to direct Tran Quoc Tuan High School andTran Tuyen High School to soon complete the items already implemented andpropose to recognize the two schools meeting the national standards asprescribed. Culturally, the district has been speeding up the progress ofconstructing multi-purpose sports gyms; start the working house items-districtsports culture center and some items for sports in the area. The districtproposed the Provincial People's Committee to early allocate capital so thatthe locality could deploy the project of the district Sports Culture Center andthe DH 27th road to soon complete the new rural district criteria in accordancewith the schedule.

At the conference, Mr. Pham Dai Duong, PPC Chairman asked PhuHoa district to focus on overcoming difficulties, to achieve the 5thcriterion on health-culture-education; simultaneously reviewing all remainingcriteria to ensure the completion of schedule. In addition to focusing oninvestment in agriculture, Phu Hoa district also needs to consider focusing oninvestment in developing some other strengths such as high-tech agriculture,bringing mechanization, science and technology into production to improveproductivity and value of agricultural products; develop solar power to ensuresustainable socio-economic development of the district, enhance people's lives.

Addressing for the conclusion of the meeting, Secretary ofthe Provincial Party Committee, Comrade Huynh Tan Viet praised the efforts ofthe district political system, the synchronous participation of departments andagencies in the province in supporting Phu Hoa district to complete thecriteria for new rural areas; besides, he suggested that Phu Hoa districtleaders receive ideas from departments and sectors to maintain the new ruralcriteria achieved; continue to improve the criteria in 8 communes meeting new ruralstandards, proceeding to build a new model rural commune.

Comrade Huynh Tan Viet noted that Phu Hoa district shouldcoordinate with departments and branches to accelerate settling difficultiesand obstacles in completing the criteria for recognizing new rural districts.The relevant departments and agencies must coordinate with Phu Hoa district tosolve and remove obstacles for the new rural criteria before April 25th,then set up the file to submit the Central early recognition of Phu Hoadistrict reaching the new rural standards in 2019.

Source: Phu YenNewspaper
Translated by TRINHTHUY

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