Occupation orientation from experience activities

Thứ tư - 10/04/2019 23:08 267 0
The Mien Trung civil engineering has organized the MUCE Open Day Admission Counseling Program in 2019 tohelp students choose careers before they enter the National High School Examand recruit universities and colleges 2019.
Students learning about architectural models

The program attracted theparticipation of nearly1,000 students from 4 high schools in the province, including Ngo Gia Tu HighSchool, Nguyen Truong To High School (Tuy Hoa city), Tran Tuyen High School (Phu Hoadistrict), NguyenCong Tru High School (Dong Hoa district).

Opening the counseling program for enrollment -vocational guidance, students areintroduced by teachers of thUniversity on the training model and program. Accordingly, in 2019, theschool get admissions of the 2 master levels of Civil Engineering and Architecture;8 university-level majors, including Civil Engineering, Architecture, TransportWork ConstructionEngineering, Construction Economics, Construction Management, EnvironmentalEngineering, Water Supply Engineering and Accounting; 4 college-level majors,including Construction Engineering Technology, Information Technology, Accountingand Business Administration. In addition, the school also trains regularuniversity education, both learning and working, formal university ofthe 2nd degree...

Empathizing and understanding the students' career choices andconcerns, in addition to vocational guidance, the school combined withpractical experience in the school’s campus, lecture halls, laboratoriesand practice workshops, training models, libraries...

Student Nguyen Thi Tra My, class12C, Nguyen Truong ToHigh School, shared: The questions related to the training field are directlyanswered by lecturers, which has inspired our passion and helpedus choose theappropriate career. This objective way of counseling helps us identify theindustry, the school is suitable for the learning capacity as well as thefamily condition.

For a long time, traditional counseling methods such asstudents gathered to ask questions at general education establishments orthrough the media to inform students about the enrollments... did not oftensatisfy them everything they wanted to know and to ask. Students can not feel howthe career they choose will learn is, what skills students need, and theway students learn atuniversity differentlyfrom high school...

As for the method of counseling combined with practicalexperience, the students are not only answered in detail about the issuesrelated to the criteria, the profession they choose, the method ofenrollment... but also experience practically as a university student so they are easier to understand.

Nguyen Thi Nha Phuong, a student of class 12A4 in Tran uyen High School, said, “Being heard, seen and experiencedthrough facilities, teaching and learning equipment makes it easier for me toimagine I will learn what to do, how to study when I go to college. In thepast, I thought Accounting sector would have many opportunities to find work, so Iplanned to choose this faculty but didn't figure out how to study. Therefore, thisexperience helps me a lot in choosing an industry, as well as choosing schoolsin the coming time”.

According to MSc Nguyen Van Tram, Head of Training ManagementDepartment (Mien Trung civil engineering University), in addition to thisprogram, the school is always open to welcome students inside and outside theprovince who wish to have practical experience at the school to contribute to well-implementing the counseling and career orientationfor high school students.

Source: Phu YenNewspaper
Translated by TRINHTHUY


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