Launching the program "Accompanying women in the sea border area"

Thứ hai - 08/04/2019 22:39 208 0
At the Border Guard Station of Xuan Hoa (SongCau Town), the Standing Committee of the Women's Union and the ProvincialBorder Guard Command have just held a ceremony to launch the program "Accompanyingwomen with sea border area (SBA)"; preliminarily review 2 years of themodel of association between the Women's Union and the border guard station, inthe period of 2016-2018.
Chairwoman of the provincial Women's Union Dang Thi Hong Nga and Colonel Dang
Phu Quoc, Deputy Chief of the Provincial Party Committee awarded certificates of
merit to collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in implementing 
the twinning model

The program "Accompanying women with SBA" in the period of2018-2020 is coordinated by the Central Vietnam Women's Union and theCommanding Party of Border Guard to mobilize the participation of the Women'sUnion at all levels in the country and the Border Guard Army to join handstowards particularly difficult border, island communes and ethnic minorityareas, contribute to building a strong border area. In Phu Yen, the program isimplemented in 27 coastal communes, wards and towns in Tuy An, Dong Hoadistricts, Song Cau town and Tuy Hoa city.

At the launching ceremony, Chairwoman of the provincial Women's Union DangThi Hong Nga called on all levels, branches, organizations and individuals tojoin hands on supporting to let the program spread widely. Thereby helping theSBA women to reduce poverty, build happy families, protect the environment,prevent domestic violence, women and children abuse. At the same time,contributing to protecting our sovereignty and national border security,building border areas to become stronger and stronger.

* From 2016 up to now, implementing the twinning model between theWomen's Union and the border guard station, the two units have coordinated topromote the propaganda to raise awareness for local women to abideappropriately the guidelines, the Party's policy, the law policy of the State;organizing many charity social programs "Border Guard's Spring - Linkinglove", "Border Guard's Spring - Warm heart of the seavillagers", "Golden heart and Green Chung cake" ... giving over700 gifts to people poor in the sea and families of officers and soldiers onduty in Truong Sa archipelago with a total value of 370 million; established 22clubs named "Women towards the sea, island" and "Blue Sea".All levels have also actively exploited sources from banks to support women incoastal areas to borrow money and create jobs with tens of billions VND ...

In 2019, the two units continued to promote the program"Encouraging women to participate in building and protecting territorialsovereignty, border and island security" in the period of 2017-2022", to organize activities attached. with the theme of 2019 "Safetyfor women and children"; to coordinate and mobilize resources, contributeto the quality of life's improvement for women and people in coastal communes,across communes and sea border areas.

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Phan Dinh Phunghighly appreciated the results achieved by the two units over the past time. Hesuggested that the Women's Union and border guard forces must actively andclosely coordinate with the locality, seize the minds, needs, aspirations, andprotect the legitimate rights and interests of women, children of the seaborder area; promote the propaganda of island and sea borders on land; mobilizewomen in coastal areas to well implement the Party's guidelines and policies,the State's policies and laws; tighten the unity of the army and people;consolidate, build a stronger and stronger organization of the Association andBPSP.

On this occasion, the Women's Union and the Provincial Border GuardCommand rewarded 18 collectives and individuals with outstanding achievementsin the coordination program for the period 2016-2018; donated 28 gifts to poorwomen and children in Song Cau Town, each worth VND 500,000.

Source:Phu Yen Newspaper
Translated by HAI LOAN
 Từ khóa: Launching the program

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