Message about a beautiful Phu Yen

Chủ nhật - 31/03/2019 20:48 233 0
The preparation tasks for the art program to celebrate the 44thanniversary of PhuYenProvince'sLiberation (April 1st, 1975-April 1st, 2019) and theopening ceremony of Phu Yen Tourism-Culture Week 2019 are being urgently completedwhen it comes to the final stage. Phu Yen newspaper interviewed musician HuynhTan Phat, Deputy Director in charge of Sao Bien folk music theater and dance troupeas related to this content.
The members participating in the practice art program in the afternoon of March 28th at April 1 Square

* Musician,please give an overview of this art program?

- This is a specialtwo-part art program, with 11 repertoires. Part one was built with instrumentalmusic based on the song "Songs of Phu Yen", including the repertoiresto recreate a heroic, indomitable period and to reflect the blood relationshipbetween the army and people during the resistance war for national launch andunification of the country. The second part is the joyful repertoire, promotingthe image of Phu Yen's homeland and people, the theme "Go here Phu soilYen sky" associated with Phu Yen Tourism- Culture Week 2019.

* What is newin this special art program compared to previous organized programs? 

- Promotingthe cultural heritage value of Phu Yen homeland, the art program is to exploittypical musical instruments such as double drums, three gongs, five gongs, rockflocks, stone trumpets ... and all kinds of art performing arts of Phu Yen.This is the highlight of the art program along with performances promoting the beautifulimages, sincere and hospitable people of the homeland of "yellow flowerson green grass".
Theperformances associated with tourismbase on a number of songs were available as well as some new songs orderedto promote the famous places and places of interest in the province, such asXuan Dai bay ( Song Cau town), O Loan lagoon (Tuy An), Nhan tower (Tuy Hoacity), Da Bia mountain and Mui Dien (Dong Hoa), Tu Quang pagoda (Da Trangpagoda) etc. The items are refreshed in how to mix and match the sounds as wellas the ways to improve the quality of art to meet the needs of people andvisitors to enjoy art and culture.

* With therole of art director and general director, what messages musician want to getaccross the program. In addition to the artists of the theater, how are theactors and singers reinforced?

- All artists,officials, theater staffs are mobilized to participate in this art program.However, with many great performances, which need a large number of actors andsingers, we had to invite more long-standing actors to collaborate withtheaters, dance companies, some officers and soldiers from the Ministry ofProvincial Border Defense Force.

From thebeginning of writing the script to staging, we aim to build a close art programand meet the tastes of the audience.Simultaneously, the program must bemeaningful to celebrate the anniversary of the Liberation Day of Phu YenProvince, the tradition and change in Phu homeland along with promoting thebeauty of the homeland, people and tourism potentials as Meaningful purpose ofPhu Yen Tourism - Culture Week set out. The artprogram will take place at 8pm, in the evening of March 30 at April 1 Square (
Tuy HoaCity).

Source: Phu YenNewspaper
Translated by HAI LOAN

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