Phu Yen province and French partners cooperation in climate change response, agricultural management

Thứ tư - 03/04/2019 23:23 266 0
In Toulouse City(France), the delegation of Phu Yen province led by Comrade Huynh Tan Viet, Commissionerof the CentralParty Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of theProvincial People's Council attended the 11th conference including localities of Vietnam and France.
Representatives of Dong Xuan, Phu Hoa and Tay Hoa districts and the Center for Studying 
Environmental Biosphere from Space of
 France signing  M.O.U on cooperation in the 
application of radar remote sensing technology to agriculture

With the theme "Partnerships towards local innovative and sustainabledevelopment," theconference attracted the participation of 600 delegates from 26 localities ofFrance and 34 localities of Vietnam. The delegates exchanged views on the localrole in the period of many changes and new challenges on climate change,economic development, cultural heritage conservation.

Phu Yen delegation participated in a seminar on climatechange, suggesting issues that need further study and the local practical experiences havingbeen deployed. Mr. TranHuu The, Member of the Provincial Standing Party Committee, Vice Chairman of theProvincial People's Committee mentioned the application of radar remote sensingtechnology in many fields, especially agricultural management. He pointed outthe practical issues that the province is interested in and wants to be able touse the technology to solve, that is: Study the relationship between forestcover rate and flood water level, between cultivating single seedlings speciesand multi-species to ensure biodiversity, as well as studying the distributionof high tides indifferent coastal areas in Phu Yen. He affirmed the goal of building a development policy to ensureclimate change adaptation capacity that the local of the two countries ismoving forward, requiring more specific cooperation initiatives and programs.

Sharing opinions of Mr. Tran Huu The, many delegates saidthat the measures taken in agriculture are worthy of priority, because this isthe most important area to ensure food security and feed million people andalso the most affected area of ​​climate change.

In side-by-side contact, Phu Yen provincial leadersemphasized the challenge of coastal management and the role of AFD insupporting local authorities to handle these issues well, especially in thecontext of Phu Yen and the three provinces of the South Central CoastalRegion and CentralHighlands provinces recommending the AFD to provide financial support for the project ofAgainst drought, erosionand flooding to adapt to climate change.

On this occasion, representatives of Dong Xuan, Phu Hoa andTay Hoa districts signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in applying remote sensing radar technology to agriculturalproduction with the Center for Studying the Environmental Biosphere from space (CESBIO). Accordingly,the districts and CESBIO will cooperate closely in the application of radarremote sensing technology to agriculture through joint initiatives to build anagricultural information system. The districts of Phu Yen will coordinate andcreate conditions for CESBIO in research work, and CESBIO will supportdistricts to foster human resources, contributing to the sustainabledevelopment of the locality. In the immediate future, the districts activelyimplement the cooperation initiative between Phu Yen province and CESBIO in the Program to monitorthe area, growth and productivity of rice in Phu Yen province by the technologyof radar remote sensing - the scheme was put into construction with CESBIO fornearly a year with the introduction of the Vietnamese Embassy in France.

The CESBIO side highly appreciated the efforts of Phu Yenprovince when selecting the pilot model using GMS technology and remote sensingtechnology in responding to climate change and agricultural production. This isthe premise for the overall research on Phu Yen - the land of general harmonyby agriculture - forestry - fisheries - ecology - environment, which has thedirection to solve each field that the province is interested. Cooperation withFrance in this area shows that grasping the development and application ofscientific and technological advances is an appropriate approach for Phu Yenprovince.

This signing ceremony is a step to concretize the policy ofPhu Yen province to actively implement the results of internationalcooperation, intensify the application of science and technology in agriculture- forestry - fishery production to improve the life quality of local people. The memorandum of understanding not onlycreates favorable conditions for districts, township and city of Phu Yen province to participate in internationalcooperation, but also helps localities improve their integration withinternational projects on applying modern technology to serve thesustainable development of Phu Yen province.

Source: Phu YenNewspaper
Translated by TRINHTHUY
 Từ khóa: agricultural management

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