The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee works with the provincial construction investment projects' Management Board

Thứ hai - 25/03/2019 02:49 230 0
ComradeHuynh Tan Viet, commissioner of the Central Party Committee, Secretary of theProvincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council had aworking session with the Management Board of the provincial constructioninvestment projects (CIPs) on the implementation of the projects that this unitowns.
Spectacle of the meeting

Directorof CIPs Management Board, Mr. Cao Dinh Huy said: the unit is currently  the investor of 64 projects, in which, 14completed projects are preparing settlement procedures; 24 projects are underconstruction with a total investment of more than 2,254 billion Vietnam dongs;10 projects started in 2019; 6 projects with investment policies are being setup and designed; 10 projects have been assigned to the owner.

Inorder for the implementation of investment projects to be advantageous,overcome difficulties and obstacles, ensure the progress as required, the unitproposed the PPC soonly to direct the People's Committee of Tuy Hoa City andDong Hoa, Phu Hoa districts concentrate on resources, instantly hand over thesite to deploy projects on schedule; interested in considering the timelyallocation of capital to implement the project, especially the completedprojects, commence for celebrating the 30th anniversary of the provincialre-establishment and projects that have been invested for the purpose ofexploitation and land fund development.

Besides,this unit requests specialized departments to determine the implementation ofdesign verification, construction drawing boards - immediate estimates in theinvestment project file to have a basis for appraising and approving contractorselection plans for verification work. The unit also proposes the PPC toconsider and direct the departments, branches and localities to gatherresources up, early solve procedures related to construction investment ...

ComradePham Dai Duong proposed CIPs Management Board to positively, activelycoordinate with Tuy Hoa City People's Committee and localities to overcomedifficulties and problems in site clearance; departments and agencies soonlyresolve procedures related to the verification and approval in accordance withregulations.

Concludingthe meeting, comrade Huynh Tan Viet highly appreciated the efforts of the CIPsManagement Board in the province's renovation, economic development andexpressed confidence in the coming time, civil servants, officials of theprovincial CIPs Management Board continue to unite, unify and support eachother to properly fulfill the assigned tasks.

Inaddition to the central capital balance for the province, the management boardneeds to have good relations with the ministries and central branches, activelyexploit ODA and FDI capital sources. The unit needs to select contractors withreputable, real construction capacity to implement the project on schedule,ensure quality and time; accelerate the implementation of projects, especiallyprojects to celebrate the 30th anniversary of provincialre-establishment ...

Source: Phu YenNewspaper
Translated by HAI LOAN


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