Awaring keenly of the urgent mission of anti-corruption and negativity

Chủ nhật - 26/03/2023 21:07 894 0

Phu Yen Provincial Party Standing Committee has just held a conference to study, grasp thoroughly and propagate the main ideas and basic contents of the book "Resolutely and persistently fight against corruption and negativity in order to contribute to build our Party and State more and more clean and strong" of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Head of the Central Steering Committee for anti-corruption, negativity; Regulation 205-QD/TW dated September 23, 2019 of the Politburo on controlling power in cadre work and anti-corruption running.

Comrade Pham Dai Duong giving a speech at the conference

In introducing the basic contents of the book, comrade Nguyen Thai Hoc, Deputy Head of the Central Committee of Internal Affairs, emphasized: the task of combating corruption and negativity has been carried out strongly, synchronously, drastically, methodically, and effectively; created a high consensus in society; and strengthened the trust of cadres, party members, and the People in the leadership and administration of the Party and State of Vietnam. That result confirmed the Party's consistent determination, in which the function of leading drastically, resolutely and persistently of the Central Steering Committee for Prevention and Control, headed by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

The Deputy Head of the Central Internal Affairs Committee introduced the reasons why the organization compiled and published the book; about the process of compiling and publishing the book; the layout and basic and core contents as well as the new and impressive points of the book.

The book includes almost 600 pages and 111 illustrations. The book is particularly essential in terms of both theory and practice in the battle against corruption in Vietnam. This is a "handbook" on the fight against anti-corruption and negativity in our country; helping cadres, party members and people from all walks of life and international friends understand the nature of the fight against anti-corruption and negativity in Vietnam; equipping the theoretical and practical basis to counter the distortions of hostile forces; consolidating the trust and support of people from all walks of life into the Party's leadership in the fight against anti-corruption and negativity. Simultaneously, it vividly reflects the life of impartial and transparent revolutionary activities of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong from his youth to his position as the head of our Party - an exemplary, plain virtue, so said so done, selfless devotion to State and people.

Through this book, readers at home and abroad better understand the policies, lines and determination to fight against "internal invaders", prevent, repel and strictly handle corruption and negativity of the Party and State of Vietnam - a war without gunfire but extremely fierce and tough.

Speeching at the conference, Provincial Party Secretary Pham Dai Duong directed that, after hearing the basic content and core of the General Secretary's book, we had a satisfactory answer to the big, overarching question posed at the beginning of the overview article in the General Secretary's book: "Why must we be resolute and persistent in the fight against anti-corruption and negativity; simultaneously, we have more valuable knowledge to properly and clearly identify corruption, negativity, and their harmful effects; understand the process of Party and State awareness on anti-corruption and negativity; the results that the entire political system and society has achieved in the fight against corruption and negativity under the leadership of the Party; determine what to do and how to continue to fight to prevent and repel corruption and negativity in the coming time.

Immediately following the conference, the Provincial Party Committee Secretary directed the Party committees, organizations, agencies, and units in the province to organize extensive propaganda to a large number of cadres, party members, civil servants, public servants, and people in a variety of forms. The General Secretary's book and the Politburo's Regulation 205-QD/TW, including the link with his localities' and units' anti-corruption and negative operations; Study and instruct these contents to be incorporated in activities. Thereby helping cadres, party members and people will have a better understanding of the Party's awareness and theory on anti-corruption and general objectives, motto, ideology, actions and tasks, anti-corruption and negativity solutions; link this task with building and correcting the Party, preventing degradation in terms of political ideology, ethics, and lifestyle among cadres and party members.

Source: Phu Yen Online

Translated by HAI LOAN

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