Being ready to cope with all situations for a successful election day.

Thứ hai - 10/05/2021 23:28 1365 0
The provincial Party Committee and the election committee (EC) have just completed the sessions of checking and supervising the election task at the locality of the province. Journalists of  Phu Yen News paper interviewed Ms Cao Thi Hoai An, Standing deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee cum Chairwoman of the provincial People’s Council, Chairwoman of the provincial EC, as related to the urgent deeds from now up to May 23rd.
Standing deputy secretary  of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairwoman of the provincial people’s council and chairwoman of the EC checking the election tasks at one election venue of An Xuan commune (Tuy An district)

*Can you let known about the progress of the election tasks being prepared in the province?

- It can be said that the preparing tasks for the election for delegates of the National Assembly, term XV and delegates of the people’s  councils at all levels, tenure 2021-2026 in the province have been strictly and responsibly implemented, as to the stipulated procedures, ensuring the requirements of time and the involment of the entire political system from communal to provincial level. The tasks of leading, directing and implementing have been thoroughly, efficiently conducted and ensure that the election is carried out in a democratic and legitimate manner and this turns to be a practical day of the population. The national fatherfronts at all levels have concentrated on the steps and processes of negotiations to choose those self-introducing to ensure the structure, number of those self-introducing as to stipulations.

Party organisations at all levels, governments, collectives from province to commune check, supervise the preparing tasks and this is done on a regular basis: check and supervise the preparing tasks prior to the election day to actively issue solutions to any emerging issues and complications during the Election.

Simultaneously attach significant attention to the propagating tasks in a visible way and creates the cheerful and democratic atmosphere among the population, so that the election is the entire population’s festival. The later steps are being implemented in accordance with the stipulations and regulations as well as plans right from the beginning.

* The COVID-19 pandemic situation is occuring extremely complicatedly and it is hard to predict. Can you let known about the measures being taken to ensure the safety of the election in the conditions of preventing, combating the pandemic at the election venues in the province?

- This is a novel and really challenging task in the current context. Therefore, it is certainly likely that entanglements, difficulties do face. Therefore, the province has directed all levels, sectors, localities to master their voters and inhabitants with the spirit of “going to all houses, gates, meeting all objects”, master the number of voters going to the election venues to see if there are any fluctuations to issue compatible solutions.

Via checking at the localities in the province, I highly appreciate the tasks of leading, directing of the localities in the task of preventing-combating the pandemic in the urgent & drastic manner.

Most facilities are well-prepared, proper instructions have been given, allocated and determined it comes to each division’s task; construct solutions to actively prevent and combat the pandemic including the script of implementing the election with the oncurring pandemic with concrete and detailed contents and details for all localities, units to implement. The drastic involvement of all government levels have created the conditions, mobilizing all forces in the task of preventing combating the pandemic.

From now to the election day, the province continues to check, supervise and direct the sectors, localities to strictly check and supervise those coming and leaving, using body – temperature tools; medical declaration; implementing 5K – precautions, using voluntary medical declaration forms, Bluezone to enhance the efficiency of the task of preventing – combatting the pandemic; not letting happen cases of negligence, ignorance, mobilize the entire political system and the people to take part in the preventing and combatting task.

*In the current urgent time for the election to practically become the entire populations festival and voters can develop their utmost rights, obligations which tasks have to be done?

- First and foremost, offices and units, localities continue to well implement the milestones as to the instructions given by the central government.

The localities have to be pro-active in double-checking all well-completed tasks and which tasks need to be better carried out from now to the election day time is limited, therefore all sectors, localities and levels have to work in a more responsible, active, urgent way so that no steps would be missed.

Accordingly, continue to enhance propagating in various forms, ensuring the security, order, timely applying measures of protecting the election actively mastering the situations, particularly the focal localities which are likely to see complicated developments; frequently being alert and vigilant with any plots of destroying by the enemies. Particularly, there must be concrete solutions to avoid being passive and surprised, build up imaginative situations and be ready for the best position so that the election is fruitful.

It must be determined that the election tasks and preventing- combating the pandemic have to be placed at the central point, develop the foundational politicalsystems so as to simultaneously propagate, mobilize the inhabitants to vote; implement the measures of preventing-combating the pandemic…

Source: Phu Yen Newspaper

Translated by HAI LOAN


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