Digital conversion, connection, data sharing: The essential and urgent issue

Thứ hai - 26/08/2019 21:00 281 0
On August 23, in TuyHoa City, the Vietnam ICT Development Cooperation Conference was held for theXXIII-2019, organized by the Ministry of Information and Communications,Vietnam Computer Association and Phu Yen People's Committee.
Workshop view
Speaking at the opening of the workshop, Minister Nguyen ManhHung emphasized that the ICT development cooperation workshop is the biggestfestival of IT people nationwide to share, learn and feel Vietnamese IT houses.Male. The next step of IT is to convert numbers. This is a revolutionary shift,which will change the face of the country. The Ministry of Information andCommunications has been assigned by the Prime Minister to develop a NationalDigital Conversion Project for promulgation this year.

Digital transformation will be a new task, our new challenge,but also this challenge that the country's IT workforce will have a newdevelopment ... The fundamental elements of digital transformation are institutional,infrastructure, innovation, network security, enterprise ICT and training.

Minister Nguyen Manh Hung highly appreciated the advantagesof the Central provinces in general and Phu Yen in particular, which is anabundant and industrious human resource, with the will to rise;Telecommunication - IT infrastructure is the foundation of digital economy anddigital society, being prioritized for investment; build e-government, movetowards digital government; smart urban to reach digital society; shifting thenumber towards the digital economy, the digital society ...

Speaking to welcome the workshop, Vice Chairman of theProvincial People's Committee Phan Dinh Phung thanked the Ministry ofInformation and Communications and the Vietnam Computer Association forsupporting Phu Yen to organize a workshop on signing of development cooperationon ICT. With the theme "Digital transformation: connecting, sharing dataof e-Government perfection," the seminar is an important forum for policymakers, managers and experts to share experiences, create opportunities for ICTdevelopment cooperation between ministries, central branches and provinces andcities throughout the country for issues of digital transformation, which is amajor policy that the Government and the Ministry of Information and Communicationsare directing fiercely. At the same time, this is also an opportunity for PhuYen to learn experiences in ICT development in general and to convert thenumber of electronic government building in the locality in particular.

The workshop listened to the discussion around the currentcontents of interest in ICT application and development, such as: The trend ofdigital transformation - opportunities and challenges for Vietnam, led byAssoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Dinh Thien, a member of the Economic Advisory Group ofthe Prime Minister, former Director of the Vietnam Economic Institutepresented; National Digital Conversion Project (Department of Computerization,Ministry of Information and Communications); Solution to accelerate the rapidtransformation of national numbers (Vietnam Computer Association); Promote theway you live (Mr. Madhu Dharmarajan, Head of Strategic Solutions HewlettPackard Enterprise - USA) ...

The organizing committee giving the flag to host theXXIV-2020 ICT Cooperation Conference for Hai Duong provincial leaders.

Source: Phu YenNewspaper
Translated by HAI LOAN

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