Expect flights to bring international visitors to Phu Yen

Chủ nhật - 18/08/2019 20:46 280 0
Phu Yen is working hardto be ready to welcome international flights to Tuy Hoa Airport in October.This will be a strong push for the development of the provincial tourismindustry, aiming at the international tourist market.
Group famtrip of international airlines and travel agencies surveying products and
services at Quang Duc Xua cultural space
Proactively preparing technical infrastructure, connectinginternational airlines and travel agencies through famtrip groups are thingsthat Phu Yen has been actively implementing in order to open the direction toattract investment and tourism development, welcome international visitors inthe future.

Aviationinfrastructure is ready

Particularly important conditions that need to be completedbefore booking international flights are that the airport's technicalinfrastructure must meet the technical standards of international standards.Regarding this condition, Tuy Hoa Airport has been completed to be ready forinternational flights.

Mr. Pham Ngoc Kinh, Director of Tuy Hoa Airport said that theport was built to complete the civil aviation zone at the end of 2013,including the main items such as: an airport parking yard of 30,358m2 with 3parking position, ensuring exploitation of A320, A321 and equivalent aircraft;3.835m2 passenger terminal to reach standard service level C of theInternational Aviation Association (IATA); car park stop, welcome guests ...

Implementing the plan to expand and upgrade Tuy Hoa airportto receive international flights, the port's infrastructure has been investedrelatively well. The passenger terminal was renovated and expanded to meetinternational standards; complete the system of equipment to ensure flightoperations, including night light system, scalar radio system NDB, VOR / DMEradio system, meteorological system, support system for accurate landing ILS ... Qualified to receive international airplanes.

Especially, Tuy Hoa airport has successfully organized,absolutely safe the work of receiving and clearance procedures forinternational military flights to participate in the 2019 Pacific Partnershipprogram in Phu Yen...

Link topromote international flights

At the meeting of the Provincial People's Committee withinternational travel agencies and airlines in the framework of the famtriptrip, surveying destinations, promoting international flights to Tuy Hoaairport, the airlines have signed commitments on the spirit of consensus,mutual benefit cooperation. Mr. Tran Hoang Linh, representative of Vietjet Air,welcomed Phu Yen to make great efforts in investing in technical infrastructure,prioritizing tourism development and having achieved outstanding results inrecent years. Mr. Linh also appreciates the value of destinations, especiallytourism services, when returning to Phu Yen, especially the newly built hotelsand resorts system to be put into operation.

In the survey and link program to promote the opening ofinternational flights to Tuy Hoa airport, representatives of airlines such asRoyal Flight Airlines, Katekavia Airlines, Ural Airlines, Globus LLC, SiberiaAirlines, Vietnam Airlines, Vietjet Air, Jetstar Pacific Airlines are excitedto know that Tuy Hoa airport has been invested to upgrade the technicalinfrastructure to meet the international flight requirements.
Also at the meeting, Chairman of the provincial People'sCommittee Pham Dai Duong affirmed that the province's political determinationin determining tourism is an important economic sector, being prioritized forinvestment; At the same time calling on international travel agencies andairlines to actively promote links to strongly develop the internationaltourist market in the coming time.

Chairman of the provincial People's Committee also requestedTuy Hoa airport to soon complete the technical infrastructure and procedures toreceive international flights in October. Department of Culture, Sports andTourism, Department of Transportation and Communication actively supports andcreates favorable conditions for international airlines; linking andcooperating with provincial, domestic and international travel agencies;proactively promote the international guest market, improve the quality ofproducts and services ...

Source: Phu YenNewspaper
Translated by HAI LOAN

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