Quickly sowing the summer-autumn crop

Thứ năm - 13/06/2019 20:50 268 0
On these days, farmers in the province have concentrated on sowing thesummer-autumn crop as seasonal schedule. As for this crop, the Agriculturesector recommends that farmers apply properly line sowing and sparse sowingmethod, reducing the amount of sowing seeds to less than 100 kg per ha.
Farmers in Hoa My Tay commune (Tay Hoa district) sowing rice by grain spraying machines

In fields ofHoa Phu, Hoa Phong and Hoa My Tay (Tay Hoa district), farmers have focused onquickly sowing the summer-autumn crop in each area. Mr. Tran Van Tien, a farmerin Hoa Phu commune, said: This field is located at the beginning of Dong Camirrigation canal, hence having water first; farmers soak seeds for sowing.Sowing this crop is fast because after harvesting the winter - spring crop, thefield exposes to the sun, soaking in water in 2 days, being plowed again andthen sowed.

According toMr. Nguyen Dung, Head of the Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) Divisionof Tay Hoa district, in this crop, the Division builds the model field ofreducing sowing seeds to less than 100kg per ha. Over the past years, thismodel has been implemented on an area of ​​650ha, mainly in communes of Hoa TanTay, Hoa Dong, Hoa Phong, Hoa Phu, Hoa My Dong, Hoa My Tay and Phu Thu town.Simultaneously, the district also implements joint model of producing certifiedseeds on an area of ​​125ha; joint model of consuming commercial rice on anarea of ​​100ha.

In fields ofAn Cu, An Dinh, An Nghiep and Chi Thanh town (Tuy An district), in the pastdays, farmers have urgently sowed rice in accordance with the general seasonalschedule of the district. Until now, farmers have completed sowing about 80% ofarea.

Mr. TruongVan Tan in An Nghiep commune, lets known: In this summer-autumn crop, I takesparse sowing with the ML49 certified rice variety. With my experience in a fewyears, in sunny weather, it is necessary to prepare soil carefully, make thefield flat then sowing. Otherwise, there are puddles in the field and they willboil rice germ under harsh sunlight.

According toTuy An District’s ARD Division, in the summer - autumn crop, farmers sowquickly more than 2.200ha in favorable weather. Agricultural cooperatives inthe district have used rice varieties of Bac Thom 7, ML49 and DV108 accordingto criteria of large field.

Dr. NguyenTrong Tung, Director of the ARD Department lets known: According to the ARDDepartment, the entire province sows about 24.000 ha in the summer-autumn crop;depending on growth time of each rice variety and specific area conditions,farmers focus on sowing in each area in order for rice to flower at once after“start of autumn” day (August 8th) and can be harvested well beforeSeptember 20th with main varieties of PY2, PY1, DV108, ML48, ML49and supplement varieties of MT10, TBR 225, OM6976, CH133, Dai Thom 8, VN121,ML213, ANS1, DCR27... So far, farmers have sowed on 14.630ha, mainly indistricts of Tuy An, Dong Hoa and Dong Xuan, Song Cau town and Tuy Hoa city.

In thesummer-autumn crop, the Agriculture sector recommends farmers sow quickly anduse standard rice varieties which are suitable to each small ecology area,season and consumption market. Localities and production establishments shouldreview rice production areas, actively balancing water sources, choosingproduction area and focusing on directing production for each area. Besides,developing plan of drought prevention to actively exploit and use watereconomically and effectively, minimizing bad effect of drought in the dryseason.

Source: Phu YenNewspaper
Translated by KHUONGTHAO

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